Security system using speech recognition for women safety


  • Tushar Bahadurge, Nimish Badgujar, Vipul Bhosale, Rameshwar Chafe Department of Electronics & Telecommunication; Savitribai Phule Pune University


The project, women safety system, is totally based on speech recognition of a woman’s voice. We have used the MATLAB software for speech processing purpose. This module will be activated or made ON when a girl speaks specific word. In this project, a specific dictionary of words is created to be spoken in emergency condition. MATLAB based speech recognition system is used to recognize the words spoken by the user so that the system can detect the state of emergency and generate the alarm using Microcontroller based hardware. The location of the girl will be sent to her relatives and police through an SMS based alert system. By tracing location of girl, police &relative can find out about girl’s location. Key words: Speech recognition, MATLAB programming, Microcontroller, GSM, GPS.




How to Cite

Vipul Bhosale, Rameshwar Chafe, T. B. N. B. (2016). Security system using speech recognition for women safety. International Journal of Engineering Technology and Computer Research, 4(2). Retrieved from


