Design & Simulation of MQAM Based Zigbee Transreceiver Using Verilog
Digital MQAM Transceiver was enforced on FPGA for low price, low power and easy wireless Communication like zigbee The MQAM Transceiver primarily Transmit and receives on a 2.4 GHz band. The Transceiver encompass chip generator, up-sampler, FIR filter, PISO (parallel in serial out), SIPO (serial in parallel out), FIR filter, down-sampler and chip-decoder blocks. These blocks area unit designed using Verilog in Xilinx ISE 13.1 then enforced on Spartan 3 XC3S200E FPGA. Here to verify the practicality of receiver block the measurement & simulation results are also presented. Key Words: Zigbee, FPGA, MQAM, HDL, Verilog.
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